Jul 17, 2012

Summer Fun

   Angie here from Crazy "Scrap" Lady.  This post is bitter/sweet. I love, love, love being a DT for 3 Girl Jam, but sadly this is my last scheduled post:(  I decided I will go out showing you one of my favorite past time activities, hanging with my kids....Summer is my all time favorite season, and it just seems to go by so fast.

I hardly ever use white card stock as a background, but I wanted the colors to jump off the page. The yellow ribbon is just the perfect shade. And I braided the pink, green, and yellow twine...I couldn't decide which one to use, so I used all 3:) And have I mentioned how amazing the bow maker is...I'm so addicted to it, that everything has bows on it now:)

Ribbon- Daffodil
Bow Maker

 And don't forget the DT call Julie has going one right now...check it out here. You don't want to miss out on this experience!!

 Well folks, time to bid you adeiu, hope you still check out my blog once in awhile to say hi. Enjoy the rest of your summers, stay cool, hope you weather any storms, and use both as an excuse to craft!


  1. sooo adorable, Angie! love the colors and papers!

  2. Just wanted to let you know, Angie i hopped over to your site to subscribe. Thanks for being a guest on here.

  3. So pretty and feminine. Love your design!

  4. Beautiful LO. Love the summery colors.
